

Find our references, our customer cases and testimonials from companies who have trusted us and have implemented climate strategies.

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AXA Prevention: a guide to reducing our environmental impact

Caristeo produced the “Climate Guide – Understand and act” distributed by the AXA Prévention association.

This guide of around a hundred pages presents itself as “a real educational tool to better understand environmental issues and have a positive impact in the face of climate change” and has been downloaded more than 200 000 times.

An updates version is currently being in production.


Easyteam : Awareness of the challenges of climate change and brainstorming sessions for the executive committee

Olivier Renaud, Founder and CEO of Easyteam, was seized by the climate emergency during a conference by Valérie Cabane in 2018. It is a trigger and he decides to engage Easyteam in a strategy resolutely oriented towards the reduction of the carbon footprint of its customers.
To do so, he calls upon Caristeo which will help both to raise the awareness of the collaborators on the climatic stakes, and to rethink the strategy of Easyteam through the animation of reflection sessions of its Comex.

Assessment: Easyteam has developed its own carbon calculator to evaluate the impact of the company’s digital technology. With this tool, Easyteam is evolving its value proposition and helping its clients reduce the carbon footprint of their information systems.

In 2021, Constellation acquires Easyteam and Olivier Renaud becomes Chief Impact Officer of the new group, with the clear intention of pursuing his mission to decarbonize the digital landscape of companies.

French-based aerospace company: Short-term program to reduce greenhouse gas emissions

Our client, a world’s leading supplier of power transmissions, believes that urgent action is needed to achieve the existing potential for reducing greenhouse gas emissions of the group, by first a better scientific understanding of climate change and second by combining technical and behavioral solutions compatible with the group climate engagement.

To achieve this, the client, called on Caristeo to help both with understanding the complexity of climate change and with the development of a list of actions, to put the group on the right trajectory to their carbon emission reduction target in scope 1 & 2.

Thus, Caristeo deployed the Climate Fresk® to the Exec Committee of the company to understand the scientific basis of climate change and then a list of carbon emission reduction actions were disposed to the attendees firstly without the number of t CO2eq saved by each action. Groups were negotiating about what actions to choose considering its feasibility, importance and budget. Then Caristeo showed up the impact figures for every action and ended the session by an optimization phase for the list of actions that must be taken in order to achieve the company carbon emission reduction target.

This session was so efficient granting consciousness on the order of magnitude and the complexity of the efforts to be made in order to deal with the defining issue of our time called climate change.

French-based aerospace company: Short term low-carbon roadmap - Design Thinking Method

Climate Change is both a human and a business challenge, and probably one of the biggest our civilization had ever faced. Corporations announce ambitious mid and long-term Carbon reduction plans. The challenge now is concrete short-term implementations. This requires in the first place a good understanding of climate change and its consequences on business together with a clear view on the carbon footprint.

Aware of the importance of the role that businesses play on climate change, a French-based aerospace company develops a concrete carbon plan to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions on its different site worldwide.

To respond to the climate emergency, the client is committed to 30% reduction in CO2 emissions by 2025 compared to 2018, in line with a 1.5°C trajectory. The client decided to raise awareness and develop a common knowledge about climate change internally and specifically with its leaders.

With the help of Caristeo, the client, deployed the Climate Fresk® to its Exec Committee with the goal of getting a better systemic view on Climate Change. At the end of the workshop people were invited to travel in time and imagine a desirable future and think of all decisions that Safran should have taken in order to get there.
The climate knowledge and emotions generated in this workshop were a big stimulus for directors to stimulate an ideation activity.

The next day a Design Thinking workshop was organized. With the support of a serious internal carbon footprint analysis, directors were invited to share their ideas of actions to implement within their respective scope of responsibility. Directors were sharing each other’s ideas, identifying challenges and constraints and were invited to discuss how they can overcome these challenges. At the end, a roadmap was built collectively with a set of actions and commitments by each director in his scope of responsibility. Accountabilities, responsibilities and deadlines were defined.
These commitments help the Division move towards a lower carbon activity and place the client on the right pathway to the reduction trajectory defined by his Group.