
Understand the climate challenge
and transform
your organization

Groupe de personnes encordées dans des montagnes enneigées

They trust us


Caristeo is a consulting firm specialized in the ecological transition of businesses.

We support companies from raising awareness among their employees to questioning their economic models in the face of planetary limits and the protection of living things. We call the business model pivot : the ecological redirection.

We support the ecological transition
of your company

Pictogramme représentant un lieu de départ et un lieu d'arrivée, avec une chemin menant de l'un à l'autre


Manage or support your transformation program.

Pictogramme représentant un certificat de validation


Standard or tailor-made training programs.

Pictogramme représentant un mégaphone


Fun workshops to engage your employees.

Pictogramme représentant un diagramme-camembert et une bulle de BD


A new tone on the environmental and climate emergency.

Caristeo products are tailor-made to the needs, constraints and specificities of our customers for greater impact and efficiency
on their transformation.

Caristeo deploys a broad array of tools and experiences, allowing each structure, depending on its environmental maturity, to go further and faster int their transition. To carry out this transformation requires to build an ambitious and uncompromising sustainability climate strategy.

They are satisfied


Climate and the environment will be the biggest disruptive factors in the coming years.

Firstly because we are experiencing the consequences of the profound changes, which force us to think about adaptation.
But also because economic flows will have to be rethought in depth to hope to return to a level of human activities compatible with the planetary boundaries.

I founded Caristeo in 2019, a few months after co-founding the Association of the Climate Fresk with Cédric Ringenbach and a few others. Where the association must make it possible to raise the level of citizen awareness, Caristeo has the ambition to contribute to the reflection of new economic values.

With this vision, we are developing an array of tools for all stakeholders in the company, from employees to managers, Executive Committee and Board of Directors.

Through our support, we first train on environmental issues because we cannot solve a problem that we do not understand well. Secondly, we help the pioneers of tomorrow’s world, all those who dare to imagine the profound transformations required by a desirable future in 2035, to project, design and implement business models that will stop the race to destruction.

Frédéric Giuli
Founder of Caristeo

Frédéric Giuli avec un micro à la main