
About Caristeo

Caristeo brings together a group of experts and professionals united by a passion for the environment and the awareness that it is still possible to act.

The strength and quality of this network allows Caristeo to support companies of all sizes to project themselves into a world respecting 2 °C, as recommended by the IPCC.

From mobilizing workshops to raise awareness, through Comex support to the deployment of training courses for all employees of large groups, Caristeo supports the transition in all its forms.

Frederic Giuli
Crédit : Marylou Mauricio

Caristeo supports small and medium-sized businesses as well as large groups and actors in higher education.

At Caristeo, we bring together the energy disseminated in the consciousness of the various stakeholders in the company to help build a world compatible with environmental limits.

Among Caristeo’s values, we find scientific rigor when it comes to understanding the problem and identifying the actions to be taken, but also the quality of listening and knowledge of the business world.

Crédit : Thierry Foulon, ESCP Europe 2019

About the Caristeo team

Frédéric Giuli, founder

Caristeo was founded by Frédéric Giuli in 2019. After a 17-year career at Accenture, a major player in international consulting, Frédéric was trained in Climate issues by Al Gore within the Climate Reality Project program.

In 2018, Frédéric decided to dedicate his energy and his consulting expertise to the climate emergency. He creates Caristeo dedicated to raising awareness and transforming companies and organizations.

He is also a founding member in 2018 of an NGO, La Fresque du Climat (, of which he is now treasurer, Blue Belt and Member of the Board, in order to broaden awareness of climate issues to as many people as possible.

Clara Crenn, climate consultant

Passionate about environmental issues since her degree in Sciences Po Bordeaux, Clara first specialized in renewable energies by completing her curriculum at Mines de Paris and then by working for several years at Akuo Energy as a renewable energy project developer.

Since she crossed the path of the Climate Fresk, her interest in climate education and transition has developed and she joined Caristeo to contribute to Climate Collage facilitations, large-scale workshop deployments, carbon footprints and decarbonisation strategies.

The Caristeo collective

The members of the Caristeo Collective are selected on the basis of their professionalism, their listening skills, their level of expertise as well as their total adherence to Caristeo’s values, among which we find scientific rigor, pragmatism and ambition to act in the face of the climate emergency.

Blue belt, Climate Fresk

Co-founder of The Digital Collage

Founder of the Climate Fresk

Green belt, Climate Fresk


Ocean expert

Founder of the Expert Climate Fresk

Blue belt, Climate Fresk

B-Corp and collective intelligence expert

Author of the french book “100 gestes pour réduire son empreinte carbone”

Climate Challenge

Nith Consult

B-Corp and collective intelligence expert