About us
Caristeo brings together a collective of experts and professionals united by a passion for the environment and the conviction that it is still possible to act.
Caristeo network around the world
Atwo-fold expertise : advice on ecological transition and training.
Since 2019, Frédéric has facilitated more than 600 Climate Fresks, notably for executive committees, management committees, boards of directors of large companies and top managers, reaching more than 9,000 people.
To this day, Caristeo has, thanks to its international network of professionals, trained more than 1,300 facilitators of the Climate Fresk and raised awareness among more than 20,000 people.
Caristeo has, through its history and that of its founder, developed a two-fold expertise: advise on ecological transition as well as training.
Being a certified training organization allows Caristeo to best support companies in taking climate and environmental issues into account in order to build new trajectories that are desirable and respectful of the living.
Since 2019, Caristeo has developed several tools, adapted to its customers and their levels of ecological maturity:
– Raising awareness of ecological issues: impactful conferences, running various awareness-raising workshops and training in running them. This awareness-raising is mainly done within large companies, in order to develop a common culture committed to contemporary ecological issues. Caristeo also develops expertise in running these awareness workshops with the various corporate governance bodies, in a format adapted to decision-makers and their responsibilities.
– Tailor-made strategic advice: Caristeo develops a strategic advice offer adapted to the ecological maturity of its clients. Let us cite for example the production of Carbon Footprint® (Caristeo is certified Carbon Footprint® by the Carbon Training Institute and is a partner of the Global Climate Initiative), the construction of decarbonization trajectories, the development of workshops specific to a sector of activity or the running of management seminars dedicated to the design of new business trajectories.
We inspire the desire to get involved in the ecological challenge and help organizations to dare to invent economic models that respect life, are desirable and sustainable.

Create a massive commitment to ecological issues by raising awareness among organizations

Accelerate the ecological shift of organizations through the training of committed communities

Promote the adoption of economic models that respect life by supporting management in questioning their growth strategy