
Raising awareness

Fun and collaborative workshops to understand environmental issues while creating a dynamic that carries meaning and commitment.

Involve employees in environmental issues and make them want to get involved .

Everyone is aware of the degradation of our environment and yet the subject remains largely taboo in business.
Engaging your colleagues on the subject means creating a dynamic that carries meaning and commitment.

Whatever the starting point of the participants, we offer workshops that allow you to understand the phenomena and make you want to get involved. This can be done on the scale of a small team, an organization or on a large scale across the company or group, whatever the ecological maturity.

Involving employees in environmental issues gives them a new reason to get involved in the company.


Depending on your needs, we will offer you various workshops:


The Climate Fresk: a fun, collaborative and unifying workshop

The Climate Fresk is a fun, collaborative and unifying workshop, based on scientific facts which has already raised awareness on the Climate among more than 1,700,000 people.

The workshop was designed for non-scientists to learn the basics of climate science. It is often used as a team building activity as the workshop lasts 3.5 hours and is played in small groups.

Brainstorming, learning and creativity will navigate climate concepts before focusing on actions and solutions.

Photo credit: Thierry Foulon, ESCP Europe 2019


Why choose to deploy a Climate Fresk internationally with Caristeo ?

1. Caristeo is unique in its support for companies in deploying the Climate Fresk internationally, in a coordinated manner and ensuring the quality of the sessions.

2. Caristeo has a network of professional Climate Fresk animators. Caristeo brings together more than 330 animation professionals.

3. We specialize in a specific approach by audience: directors, managers, employees.

4. ur tailor-made approach allows us to adapt to the needs of the field and the sector: our Climate Frescoes are not only adapted to the audience, but also to the company’s sector and its specificities.